Indoor air quality testing refers to the examination Measurement and estimation and observation of the quality of air present at work, school, home or inside the building and office structures. SMSLA is engaged in the indoor air quality testing and monitoring services, offering the best expert led processes and tests in order to guarantee an effective result.
The Importance of IAQ Testing (Indoor Air Quality Testing)
The health of indoor air quality has a huge health significance considering the closed work environment in which huge number of employees work with interconnecting air corridor stake and impact on the health and well-being of humans around the globe. Such Testing Services has mighty importance and implications for the same can be accentuated for the plenitude of reasons like:
Activities Under the Indoor Sources
Activities Under the Outdoor Sources
Effects of Poor Air Quality on Human Health
The perils associated with poor air quality can cause and can give rise to several health issues, that can be experienced immediately or after a certain period depending upon the period of exposure to them.
SMSLA with state-of-the-art laboratory situated at Chennai provides Indoor Air Quality Testing and Monitoring with its latest set of Equipment & highly skilled technical expertise. qualified staff. We provide a comprehensive and one-stop air testing service to businesses and organizations.