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We at SMS Labs Private Limited, are passionate to meet and solve the challenges being faced by the industry in their quality service needs. In any given situation we are there as your quality partner to face along with you the growing needs of you and the industry. Our technical experts can assist you in any technical needs If a solution does not already exist, we’ll create a new solution that resolves your issue.


10 +

Major National and International Accreditations

OHSAS 18001:2007 – Provision of Laboratory Services in Food, Metals, Containers and Environmental Aspects.



Major locations are Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad, Coimbatore and Cochin.

10 +

Years Of Experience

SMS Labs was established in 2012 with the mission of holistic quality services in Testing, Inspection, Training and Advisory Services.

5000 +


SMS LABS is analyzing chemical & biological testing of Environmental (Air & Stack, Water, Soil, sludge & solid waste, PAH, PCB analysis)



SMSLA is one of the best Testing Service providers in India, established in 2012 with the mission of holistic quality services in Testing, Inspection, Training, and Advisory services in the field of Food, Water, Environment, and Materials with state-of-the-art facilities.


SMSLA provides a wide range of service including Testing, Inspection, Training and other related services like Food packaging material testing for sea food and other sectors. SMSLA also carries out Environmental Analysis, Social compliance, R&D, method development, nutritional profile and shelf-life studies.



food contaminant testing
26 Jul
Categories Blog

Food safety is crucial in today's worldwide food supply chain and cannot be stressed enough. For consumer confidence and public health, our food must be free of dangerous toxins. To ensure the safety and quality of the food we eat, food contaminant testing is essential in identifying and removing these dangers. The importance of food contaminant testing, its procedures, legal requirements, and the function of an Indian food testing lab in preserving food safety will all be covered in this blog. 

Understanding Food Contaminants

Three basic categories can be used to classify food contaminants: biological, chemical, and physical. Foodborne illnesses can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites, which are classified as biological pollutants. Pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial chemicals are examples of chemical pollutants that can be dangerous to consume. Physical contaminants are foreign materials that, if ingested, can injure or sicken a person, such as glass, metal, or plastic. 

The Role of Food Contaminant Testing

Food contaminant testing is the procedure of examining food samples to find out whether any dangerous materials are present. There are various reasons why this testing is crucial. The main objective is to protect public health because it greatly improves food safety by locating and removing pollutants. Additionally, it guarantees adherence to rules, assisting companies in avoiding recalls and legal consequences. Sustaining consumer trust and brand reputation through stringent food contaminant testing is another critical component. Additionally, food contaminant testing promotes trade by guaranteeing that food items fulfill the safety requirements of nations that import food. 

Methods of Food Contaminant Testing

There are several methods used in food contaminant testing each appropriate for identifying particular kinds of pollutants. Microbiological testing entails pathogen identification, including viruses and bacteria. Chemical testing finds heavy metal and pesticide residues, among other residues. Physical testing employs techniques such as metal detection and X-ray inspection to detect foreign objects. Allergen testing guarantees that food products are free of allergens that may react negatively in those who are sensitive to them. 

Regulatory Standards and Compliance

While national laws governing food safety differ, they usually follow global guidelines established by agencies like the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). In India, the regulatory organization in charge of food safety is called the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). Guidelines for food contaminant testing have been set by the FSSAI to guarantee the safety of food products. Food producers and importers must adhere to these requirements. Testing for food contaminants regularly helps companies comply with regulations, stay out of trouble, and guarantee consumer safety. 

The Role of Food Testing Labs in India

Food testing labs play a vital part in the process of testing for food contaminants. These labs have the knowledge and cutting-edge equipment needed to thoroughly examine food products. There are many food testing laboratories certified by FSSAI and accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) in India. 

 food contaminant testing

Food testing labs Utilizing cutting-edge tools and techniques, examine food samples for the presence of pollutants. Food goods must be certified by these labs to meet regulatory criteria to be sold and win over customers. To ensure that they can detect even the smallest quantities of toxins, they also conduct research and development to create new testing procedures and enhance current ones. To assist food manufacturers in understanding and adhering to food safety requirements, numerous labs provide training and advisory services. 

There are various advantages to using an Indian food testing laboratory. Food goods are safe to eat because accredited labs produce trustworthy and accurate results. They use cutting-edge technologies to identify a wide range of contaminants and employ specialists in food safety. A certified lab increases consumer trust in the safety and quality of food goods, and working with a lab helps businesses stay out of trouble with the law and comply with FSSAI standards. 

There are various advantages to using an Indian food testing laboratory. Food goods are safe to eat because accredited labs produce trustworthy and accurate results. They use cutting-edge technologies to identify a wide range of contaminants and employ specialists in food safety. A certified lab increases consumer trust in the safety and quality of food goods, and working with a lab helps businesses stay out of trouble with the law and comply with FSSAI standards. 

Case Studies: Impact of Food Contaminant Testing

A batch of packaged salad greens was found to contain elevated amounts of E. coli in 2019 by an Indian food testing facility. A significant outbreak of foodborne illness was stopped by the lab's prompt response, shielding thousands of consumers from possible injury. The producer recalled the tainted batch and strengthened hygiene protocols to guard against contamination in the future.

An Indian seafood exporter found it difficult to satisfy the demanding safety requirements of the European market. The company was able to conduct routine tests on its products for pollutants like heavy metals and antibiotics by collaborating with a food testing facility. This maintained the company's market presence and brand while guaranteeing compliance with EU rules. 

Future Trends in Food Contaminant Testing

New techniques and technologies are constantly being developed in the field of food contamination testing to improve detection capacities. By establishing transparent and traceable supply chains, blockchain technology can guarantee the safety of food items from farm to table. By examining vast datasets and finding trends, artificial intelligence, and machine learning can raise the precision and effectiveness of food contaminant testing. On-site testing will be possible with the introduction of rapid and portable testing kits, which will shorten the time needed for analysis and provide instant findings. Real-time food safety monitoring is possible because of the Internet of Things (IoT), which may provide information on temperature, humidity, and other variables that may have an impact on food quality. 


A key component of ensuring food safety and quality is testing for food contaminants. It preserves customer confidence, assures regulatory compliance, safeguards public health, and promotes global trade. Food testing labs in India play a crucial role in this process by offering the knowledge and equipment required to identify and get rid of contaminants. The significance of food contaminant testing will only increase as the food business develops, propelled by technological breakthroughs and rising public consciousness of food safety concerns.

Food contaminant testing should be given top priority so that we can guarantee that the food on our plates is healthy, safe, and devoid of dangerous ingredients. The health of consumers and the food industry's long-term prosperity depend on this dedication to quality and safety. 

Food hygiene testing
22 Jul
Categories Blog

Food cleanliness is crucial in the fast-paced world of today, where food must travel long distances before it reaches our plates. Due to the globalization of the food supply chain, goods and ingredients frequently travel through several countries before reaching their final location. There is a greater chance of contamination and exposure to different diseases throughout this long voyage. Every stage of the supply chain, from the farm where raw materials are grown to the production facilities where they are processed to the retail locations where they are sold, offers the possibility of contamination. Adhering to thorough testing standards and strict hygiene measures are necessary to ensure food safety in this intricate network. Public health is seriously threatened by the likelihood of foodborne outbreaks and illnesses without these controls. 

At every point in the supply chain, stringent testing is necessary to ensure that our food is free of toxins and diseases. A range of methods are used in food hygiene testing to find potentially dangerous microbes, chemical residues, and physical pollutants in food products. This comprehensive strategy aids in locating and reducing possible risks before they affect customers. In addition to the finished goods, testing is done on the raw ingredients, processing tools, and handling conditions for food. Food manufacturers and processors may guarantee that their goods comply with safety requirements and laws by putting in place comprehensive food hygiene testing processes. In this article, we will examine the best techniques for checking food hygiene, stressing their significance.

Introduction to Food Hygiene Testing

Food hygiene testing includes a range of methods and approaches for identifying and measuring dangerous microbes, chemical residues, and other pollutants in food products. These tests are crucial for ensuring customer confidence, preventing foodborne illnesses, and confirming that food complies with safety standards and laws. Food producers and processors can reduce risks and provide the market with safe, high-quality products by putting in place strict food hygiene testing procedures. 

Microbiological Testing

One of the most popular and important techniques for checking food cleanliness is microbiological testing. This testing finds and measures microorganisms that can lead to foodborne illnesses, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Pathogen testing, indicator organisms, and total viable count (TVC) are important microbiological tests. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunoassays, and culture-based procedures are some of the techniques used in microbial testing; each has a different level of sensitivity and specificity. 

Chemical Residue Testing

Food additives, veterinary medications, and pesticide application can all leave chemical residues in food. Ensuring the allowed limits of these residues is crucial for the safety of consumers. Food additive testing, veterinary drug residue testing, and pesticide residue analysis are examples of chemical residue testing. Methods like liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and gas chromatography (GC) are frequently employed. Testing for chemical residues aids in adhering to legal requirements and preserving the integrity of the food supply chain. 

Allergen Testing

For many customers, food allergies are a major worry. Food goods are tested for allergens to make sure they don't contain any hidden allergies, such as soy, dairy, gluten, or peanuts. The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and PCR-Based Methods are two techniques for testing for allergens. Food manufacturers may shield consumers with food allergies and avoid cross-contamination by regularly testing for allergens. 

Physical Contaminant Detection

If found in food, physical pollutants such as glass shards, metal bits, and plastic pieces can be extremely harmful to one's health. Metal detection, visual inspection, and X-ray inspection are examples of physical contamination detection techniques. These detection techniques are essential for preserving the quality and safety of products. 

Food hygiene testing

Environmental Monitoring

To avoid contamination, food processing facilities must maintain a hygienic atmosphere. Testing for microbiological contamination on surfaces, machinery, and air quality is part of environmental monitoring. Water testing, air sampling, and swab testing are important components. Environmental monitoring assists in locating possible sources of contamination and expeditiously implementing corrective measures. 

Rapid Testing Methods

Rapid testing techniques are becoming more and more common in the fast-paced food sector of today because of their capacity to yield data quickly. ATP Bioluminescence, biosensors, and Lateral Flow Devices (LFDs) are fast testing technologies for food hygiene testing. Quick decision-making and prompt actions are made possible by rapid testing techniques, which guarantee food safety. 

The Role of Food Testing Labs

Food testing labs are essential to the food hygiene testing process because they provide thorough testing services using the latest tools and techniques. These labs are set up to perform a variety of tests, guaranteeing that food items fulfill safety and quality requirements. Food testing laboratories give precise and trustworthy results, support companies in adhering to local, state, and federal laws about food safety, and provide professional analysis to enhance food safety procedures. Food companies may guarantee the safety, quality, and compliance of their products with regulations by collaborating with reliable food testing labs. 

Expanding on Rapid Testing Methods

Food hygiene testing has been transformed by rapid testing techniques, which drastically cut down on the amount of time needed to get findings. While findings from traditional procedures can take days or even weeks to arrive, vital information can be obtained in minutes or hours using quick tests. In high-turnover settings like restaurants, food processing facilities, and supermarkets, where prompt choices might stop tainted food from reaching customers, this speed is extremely crucial.

Lateral Flow Devices (LFDs) are quick and simple assays that can be used to quickly screen for a variety of pollutants, such as allergies and infections. They are lightweight and portable. For on-site testing, these tests are very helpful since they yield quick data that can help make important judgments about food safety. Similarly, by identifying the presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), ATP bioluminescence assays can be used to rapidly evaluate the cleanliness of surfaces.


Testing for food hygiene is crucial to ensuring food safety from farm to table. Food producers may efficiently reduce risks and guarantee the safety of their goods by utilizing a range of testing methods, including microbiological, chemical, allergy, and physical contaminant testing, in addition to environmental monitoring and quick testing techniques. By working together with reputable food testing labs, food hygiene testing may be made even more accurate and reliable, protecting the public's health and fostering customer confidence. Progress in food hygiene testing will be essential to maintaining the highest standards of food safety as the food sector develops further.

It is not only about compliance when a thorough food hygiene testing plan is implemented; it is also about dedication to quality and customer safety. As customers grow more knowledgeable and worried

Food Quality Control
19 Jul
Categories Blog

In today's rapidly evolving food industry, the significance of Food Quality Control cannot be overstated It is more important than ever to ensure that food items fulfill set safety and quality requirements as the global market grows and consumer preferences change. A variety of techniques and methods are included in food quality control, which is intended to preserve food items' integrity through the supply chain. These procedures, which range from raw material inspection to final product testing, are essential for guaranteeing uniformity, avoiding contamination, and protecting the brand's reputation. 

For the sake of consumers' health and happiness, food products must adhere to strict safety and quality regulations. Foodborne infections and contamination can have serious repercussions, such as loss of customer trust and significant health issues. Food makers can protect public health and comply with regulations by putting in place strict procedures. This blog delves into the significance of food quality control, its influence on public health, and its important function in upholding the safety and caliber of food items within the sector. 

Understanding Food Quality Control

Food Quality Control Refers to the methods and techniques used by food producers to guarantee the high quality, safety, and consistency of their products. To ensure that final products meet consumer expectations and regulatory standards, these steps include evaluating raw materials, reviewing production processes, and keeping an eye on production processes. 

Ensuring Public Health and Safety

One of the primary reasons is crucial is its direct impact on public health. Foodborne infections can result from contaminated or subpar food products, which can have dangerous side effects for users. To guarantee that only safe items reach the market, food quality control procedures assist in identifying and removing potential risks such as bacterial contamination, chemical residues, and foreign objects. 

 Meeting Regulatory Standards

Government agencies have set strict rules on the food business to safeguard the health of consumers. It assists firms in adhering to these rules, preventing fines and preserving their good name. It is crucial because regulatory agencies regularly audit and inspect food firms to make sure they follow set standards. 

Enhancing Consumer Confidence

Nowadays consumers are more knowledgeable and aware of the safety and quality of the food they eat. Food firms may establish and preserve consumer trust by putting strong Food Quality Control procedures in place. Customers are more inclined to stick with a brand they believe in, which boosts sales and expands a company's market share. 

Reducing Waste and Costs

Effective Control also contributes to reducing waste and operational costs. Early defect and inconsistency detection allows producers to quickly rectify problems and reduce the likelihood of widespread recalls and product rejections. In addition to saving money, this proactive strategy safeguards the business's finances and reputation. 

The Role of Technology in Food Quality Control

It has undergone a technological revolution, becoming more precise and efficient in the process. Manufacturers can quickly identify deviations and implement remedial actions thanks to automated technologies like real-time monitoring and data analysis. It is further strengthened by the use of technologies such as blockchain to improve food supply chain traceability and transparency. 

Food Testing Labs: A Critical Component

Food testing labs are essential to the process of food quality control. These labs have state-of-the-art tools and methods for analyzing food samples for microbiological contamination, chemical residues, and nutritional value, among other factors. Manufacturers may guarantee that the highest standards of quality and safety are met by their products by collaborating with a reliable food testing facility. 

Check Our Blog Related to Food Quality Control For More Information

 Food Quality Control

Implementing Food Quality Control Measures

To effectively implement in food companies must establish comprehensive quality management systems. Here are some key steps to consider:

  1. Developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): SOPs outline the specific processes and protocols to be followed at each stage of production. These procedures ensure consistency and adherence to quality standards

  2. Training and Education: Providing regular training to employees practices is essential. Well-trained staff are better equipped to identify and address potential issues.

  3. Monitoring and Testing: Continuous monitoring of production processes and regular testing of raw materials and finished products are crucial. This helps detect any deviations from quality standards and allows for timely corrective actions.

  4. Documenting and Reporting: Maintaining detailed records of quality control activities is important for traceability and accountability. Regular reporting and documentation help track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Case Studies : Successful Food Quality Control Implementation

Food quality and safety have significantly improved as a result of the successful implementation procedures by several food companies. One of the dairy producers, for example, incorporated automated monitoring systems into their production lines. This decreased the possibility of contamination and guaranteed constant product quality by enabling them to identify and address problems in real-time. 

The Future of Food Quality Control

The future of Food Quality Control appears promising given the continuous progress in technology and the growing consciousness regarding food safety. The food business needs to innovate and adapt as consumers continue to demand greater transparency and quality. It is anticipated that new technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence will improve Food Quality Control procedures even further, making them more accurate and efficient. 


To sum up,it is a crucial component of the food sector. It helps businesses adhere to legal requirements, protects customer happiness and safety, and improves the reputation of brands. Food businesses may develop high-quality products that satisfy the constantly changing market needs by utilizing technology and investing in strong methods. 

Food testing laboratories are essential to this process because they offer precise and trustworthy analysis to help with quality management. It is crucial to the survival and prosperity of food enterprises, and its significance will only increase as the sector develops.

Including thorough quality control, procedures is not only required by law but also demonstrates a dedication to providing consumers with safe and superior food items. The food industry can create a future food supply chain that is safer and more reliable by making food quality control a top priority.

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