Indoor Air Quality Testing Laboratories’ Importance in India

Indoor Air Quality Testing Laboratories’ Importance in India

Indoor air pollution has become a matter of huge concern for both residents and employers. Currently, it is identified as a major health hazard by all countries. Indoor air quality inspection services protect occupants from diseases and disorders most suffer as a result of excessive indoor pollution. As a resident or a worker, people spend most of their time indoors, hence it becomes extremely crucial to maintain good indoor air quality and sustain its quality in the long term. 

According to an indoor air quality inspection survey, poor indoor air quality has been found to be closely correlated with both Sick Building Syndrome (SBS ) and Building-Related Illness  (BRI). SBS includes symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, dry throat, cough, watery eyes, and BRI including symptoms such as legionnaire’s disease, allergic alveolitis, pneumonia, occupational asthma, and even certain cancers. 

Parameters such as Carbon dioxide, relative humidity, temperature, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, formaldehyde, oxygen, ozone, ammonia, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are examined by the SMSLA  air quality inspection team equipped with state-of-the-art testing facilities in order to determine the quality of air indoor. 

For instance, if the levels of carbon monoxide (CO) are below the permissible limits prescribed in the standard guidelines, but on the other hand, the levels of total volatile organic compounds TVOCs are way above the permissible limits, then the indoor air quality inspection services would rate of the air quality – poor. 

Apart from chemical factors, residents and employees also suffer from respiratory disorders due to biological factors such as mould and moisture. Fungi and bacteria are far more likely to thrive in highly humid environments where air circulation is stagnant – eventually, creating mycotoxins and endotoxins that severely impact occupants’ health. It is known that better air quality inspection drastically reduces certain symptoms of asthma and other respiratory diseases.  

In the case of indoor air, inappropriate ventilation systems often lead to the accumulation of pollutants indoors. And it also results in a lower exchange of indoor air with fresh air, thus making occupants prone to getting affected by indoor air pollutants. 

With the help of effective indoor air quality inspection and monitoring systems in place, employers are able to ensure that employees can productively work in healthier spaces with cleaner air. When employers offer an environment that is free from potentially harmful chemicals and pollutants, it always results in higher retention levels, increased productivity, and a steep decline in absenteeism. 

Pollen, dust, fungi, clean solvents, formaldehyde, paint, and perfumes are some of the major factors that severely impact air quality. It is hard to control them entirely but can be kept under check with air quality inspection services. 

Over the decade, SMSLA global has gathered extensive experience in the assessment of indoor air quality analysis and testing. All of our services including analytical services are backed by our qualified and experienced team members. Additionally, our quality testing facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and machinery. Our experts put forward their best practices coupled with their technical knowledge assimilated in their years of practice.   

At SMSLA global, we employ an end-to-end approach for complete indoor air quality inspection. With advanced testing capabilities to analyze high-end chemical, microbiological, physical, and instrumental parameters with state-of-the-art facilities, SMLA global strives to fulfil – a proactive commitment toward quality, safety, environment, and social compliance. 

We strive to create a healthier, comfortable, and productive environment for local residents and the company’s employees.  

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