Good nutrition is essential for a healthy body and mind. It provides the necessary nutrients that our body needs to function properly. A healthy diet can help maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and boost the immune system. However, with the rise of fast food and processed food, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy diet. To ensure that you are getting the right nutrients, you may want to consider using nutrition testing lab services.

Benefits of Good Nutrition

A healthy diet can provide many benefits for our bodies. By maintaining a healthy weight, we can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Eating a balanced diet can also help boost our immune system, which can help fight off infections and illnesses.

In addition to physical health, good nutrition can also enhance our mental health. Studies have shown that certain nutrients can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve cognitive function, and boost mood and energy levels. Therefore, a balanced diet can not only benefit our physical health but also our mental health.

Components of a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet should consist of a balance of macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are nutrients that are required in large amounts and provide energy for the body. The three macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Micronutrients are nutrients that are required in smaller amounts and are essential for proper bodily function. Micronutrients include vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.

Carbohydrates provide the body with energy, and they are found in foods such as bread, pasta, and fruits. Proteins are essential for building and repairing tissues and can be found in foods such as meat, fish, and beans. Fats are also a source of energy and help absorb certain vitamins. Fats can be found in foods such as nuts, seeds, and oils.

Micronutrients are essential for maintaining proper bodily function. Vitamins are organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and development. They can be found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Minerals are inorganic compounds that are essential for various bodily functions.

Minerals can be found in foods such as leafy green vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. Phytonutrients are plant-based compounds that have various health benefits. Phytonutrients can be found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Importance of Balancing Your Diet

While it is essential to get the right nutrients, it is also important to balance your diet. Understanding portion sizes and avoiding fad diets can help you maintain a balanced diet. Eating a variety of foods can also ensure that you are getting all of the necessary nutrients.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet can be difficult, especially if you have a busy schedule. However, planning meals ahead of time, reading food labels, and cooking at home more often can help ensure that you are getting the right nutrients. Planning meals ahead of time can help you avoid unhealthy choices when you are in a hurry.

Reading food labels can help you understand the nutrient content of the foods you are consuming. Cooking at home more often can help you control the ingredients and ensure that you are getting a balanced meal.

Nutrition Testing Lab Services

Nutrition testing lab services can help you determine whether you are getting the right nutrients. These services can test for various nutrients and provide recommendations for a balanced diet. Nutrition testing lab services in India are becoming increasingly popular as people are becoming more health-conscious. These services can provide customized nutrition plans based on your individual needs.


Maintaining good nutrition is important for our overall health and well-being. A healthy diet can provide many benefits, from physical health to mental health. It is important to ensure that we are getting the right nutrients and balancing our diets to achieve optimal health.

With the help of nutrition testing lab services, we can determine whether we are getting the necessary nutrients and make informed decisions about our diets.

SMSLA is one of the best nutrition testing labs in India, providing a wide range of tests to evaluate nutrient deficiencies and recommend a balanced diet plan.

Our team of experts uses the latest technology and techniques to deliver accurate and reliable results. With our personalized approach, SMSLA can help you achieve your health goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Food allergies and intolerances are conditions that can cause adverse reactions in individuals who consume certain types of food. Food allergies are immune system reactions that occur when the body mistakenly identifies certain proteins in food as harmful, triggering a range of symptoms that can vary in severity from mild to life-threatening.

Food intolerance, on the other hand, occurs when the body has difficulty digesting certain types of food, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Understanding these conditions is crucial as they can significantly impact an individual's quality of life and require careful management to prevent severe allergic reactions or chronic health issues.

Food Allergy

Food allergy is a serious medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is an immune system response to certain proteins in food that the body perceives as harmful. When a person with a food allergy consumes a triggering food, the immune system produces antibodies that release histamine and other chemicals into the bloodstream, causing a range of symptoms.

The causes of food allergy are complex and not fully understood, but researchers believe that genetic predisposition and environmental factors such as exposure to pollution and dietary changes may play a role. Common food allergens include peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, wheat, soy, and dairy products.

The signs and symptoms of a food allergy can vary widely and can include hives, swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, a person may experience anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction that can cause shock, respiratory distress, and cardiovascular collapse.

Individuals with food allergies must avoid trigger foods. For them seeking medical advice and working with a healthcare professional to develop an emergency action plan is essential for managing this condition effectively.

Food Intolerance

Food intolerance is a condition where a person experiences adverse reactions to certain foods. Unlike food allergies, food intolerance does not involve the immune system but rather results from the body's inability to digest or metabolize certain food components. Causes of food intolerance can include enzyme deficiencies, sensitivity to food additives, and conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Common food intolerances include lactose intolerance, which is the inability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products, and gluten sensitivity, which involves an adverse reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.

The signs and symptoms of food intolerance can be unpleasant and may include bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea. These symptoms can develop gradually over several hours or even days after consuming the triggering food. Unlike food allergies, food intolerance symptoms are generally not life-threatening.

The management of food intolerance involves identifying and avoiding trigger foods, keeping a food diary, and working with a healthcare professional to develop a plan to manage symptoms.

In some cases, digestive enzymes or other medications may be prescribed to help manage symptoms. Overall, understanding food intolerance and its causes is essential for individuals to maintain a healthy and balanced diet while avoiding discomfort and potential health issues.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing food allergies and intolerances involves a range of tests and procedures. For food allergies, skin prick tests and blood tests may be used to identify the presence of antibodies that react to specific allergens. Elimination diets may also be used to identify trigger foods, where the individual systematically eliminates suspected allergens from their diet and then reintroduces them to see if symptoms recur.

Individuals must seek medical advice before making any changes to their diet, as self-diagnosis can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Working with a healthcare professional can ensure accurate diagnosis and management of symptoms, reducing the risk of severe allergic reactions.

Treatment options for food allergies and intolerances include antihistamines, which can help manage mild symptoms, and epinephrine auto-injectors, which are used to treat severe anaphylaxis. Dietary modifications, such as eliminating trigger foods, can also be effective in managing symptoms.

Individuals with food allergies and intolerances need to avoid trigger foods and carry necessary medication at all times. This can help prevent life-threatening complications and ensure a prompt treatment in case of an emergency. Overall, seeking medical advice and following a management plan can help individuals live safely and comfortably with food allergies and intolerances.


Food allergies and intolerances are serious conditions causing a range of symptoms and life-threatening complications. Seeking medical advice is vital to managing symptoms, which impact an individual's quality of life. Public awareness and research can prevent and manage food allergies, benefiting public health and easing the healthcare burden.

One way to prevent and manage food allergies and intolerances is through ensuring the food free from such specific substances by food testing. SMSLA is a leading food testing laboratory in India that provides comprehensive, prompt and reliable testing services for food allergens, additives, contaminants, and more.

Their advanced testing methods and state-of-the-art facilities ensure accurate and reliable results, helping individuals and businesses make informed decisions about food safety and quality. By promoting SMSLA as a top food testing lab in India, we can contribute to the prevention and management of food allergies and intolerances and improve public health outcomes.

Materials Testing is performed at material testing labs in india for many reasons; mainly, it provides a lot of details about the tested materials, prototypes, or product samples. The collected data while testing and the end test results tend to be very useful to engineers, designers, production managers, and others.  

Here are some of the reasons material testings is necessary:  

1. confiding necessities of regulatory agencies  

2. Choosing needed materials and treatments for an application  

3. Changing the design of the product or improving the specifications  

4. Verifying a production analysis  

At times the governments and regulatory bodies set the bar that is vital to be met by the manufacturers. It is compulsory for the manufacturers to stream these standards, which are usually specified test methods, to prove the agreement. as many a time product is used in critical applications where a failure might result in damage and injury, which can be harmful, for example, manufactured products and parts that have an impactful role in reactors, and sometimes medical implantation.   

How does the material and treatment selection take place?  

Not only is the quality of the material going into a manufactured product, but the continuation of the production procedure is also critical. Do not ignore the fact that material testing in laboratories is commonly dependent on material selection and choosing a trustable supplier that is more often utilized as a verification method to be make sure that material received from a new supplier might include techniques that contain information about the material or mechanical properties of the material. Materials testing contributes us to quantifying and understanding if a material or product is appropriate for a particular application. Materials testing lab targets us to limits of a material to manage a burden or an operating situation. It is dangerous if materials that have not been tested and are directly used in a product.   

Mechanical properties can be predicted for all types of materials that are obtained in aerospace, automotive, and biomedical applications. The following automated tests help to provide more information on the mechanical properties and details of materials.  

• Ductility and Hardness  

• Stress and pressure  

• Elongation in space  

• Impact Resistance  

• Fracture rigidness  

• Fatigue under controlled stress or strain  

• Creep  

The testing machine is a vital part of a qualified trust, and thus Smsla wants to serve you with an excellent quality test machine system to make sure the product hangs up to the stress it would be necessary to undergo. We provide a complete range of testing systems, including material testing machines, strength testing machines, compression testing machines, and metals testing products. Materials are testing functions for various reasons, and they can serve a bounty of details about the tested materials, prototypes, or product samples. Also, the points collected during testing and the final test results finalize to be very useful to engineers, designers, and production managers.   

What is an environmental training course? 

One of the most common requirements out there is the need for documented, regular and annual environmental training when it comes to adhering to environmental regulations. Many businesses with several types of plans, approvals, permits, etc. They know they want to conduct training but are not sure exactly how to do it. Environment training sessions were mainly taught in a classroom setting and virtual mode, as online learning has become very famous over traditional training, and for a good reason. Now, let’s consider why you should consider using them.  

Expertise in your business  

Things change very quickly in the business world. Little stays the same whether working practices, legislation, guidelines, or best practice advice. That is not truer than when it comes to environmental matters. Staying compliant is not easy at the best of times, but if your staff are not aware of what they need to do to remain compliant, it can become even more difficult.   

Invest in your employees  

Training is an investment as the staff feels valued if the authority demonstrates that they are worth investing in. This perceived staff value often leads to a better retention rate within the team. This has obvious advantages in terms of savings associated with recruitment advertising, training and interviewing familiarising new staff with their role. This can also help you in making sure that you retain your very best staff.   

Invest in your business  

You should not only invest in your staff but also invest in your business too. Environmental safety course can help you see a lot of cost savings through waste reduction or energy saving, for example. By making your staff aware of what you are doing and why they are very likely to comply, you will be able to see through those efficiency savings. By upskilling your staff, you are allowing them to diversify their skill set, which means they may be able to take on extra responsibilities. Therefore, you can save on recruiting new staff or subcontracting these responsibilities.  

Spreading good practice  

Training can certainly give you several ideas on how to improve what other people do in environmental management and how that could work for you. This works in two different ways. If you are a big company, or there is minimal inter-departmental communication, getting unique members of staff who do not typically interact in a room can be valuable. People should learn from one another and discover new ideas that have been tried and tested by someone, to improve environmental performance. They can also communicate processes or initiatives that others may have missed or are unaware of.  

Stick to your commitment  

For several reasons above, environment training is seen as favourable in the marketplace. As a company that puts effort into keeping a commitment to its employees and the environment, you can have a significant edge over your competitors. These credentials can also be essential in tenders and supplier questionnaires and contribute to your corporate social responsibility.   

Environment safety course is essential and should be viewed as an investment rather than a cost. You always ensure that your business is kept up to date and has the chance at environmental compliance and best practice. So, getting environmental training from the best lab services provider in India like SMSLA. Technically experienced experts from SMSLA can assist you in getting complete knowledge about the environment and will always willingly help you solve your queries.  

When air quality is good, the air is clear and contains minute amounts of solid particles and chemical pollutants.  Poor air quality which contains high levels of pollutants is hazy and dangerous to health and the environment.  According to the Air Quality Index, air quality is based on the concentration of pollutants in the air at a location 

Because air is always moving, air quality can change on a day-to-day or hour-to-hour basis.  In a certain location, the air quality is determined by how air moves through an area and how people interact with it. 


We Offer  domestic and industrial air quality monitoring  services that help you measure the a level of pollutants in the air.  You can also take the following steps to improve the air quality and reduce your IAQ-related health risks. 

  1. ENSURE PROPER VENTILATION: By increasing the amount of fresh air entering the room, the levels of pollutants in the air can be kept to a minimum.  Whenever the weather is clear, keep the windows and doors open or turn on the air conditioner and open the vent.  Bathroom and kitchen fans also increase ventilation and help get rid of pollutants.  Always follow manufacturer instructions when using products or appliances that release pollutants into the air. 

  1. CHANGE THE  FILTERS: Central heaters and air conditioners have filters that trap dust and other pollutants in the air.  Change or clean them regularly according to the instructions given on the package or you can enlist the help  of  ambient and indoor air quality monitoring  services who will do it for you 

  1. ADJUST THE HUMIDITY:  The level of humidity inside the room can also affect the concentrations of indoor air pollutants.  For e.g., high humidity keeps the air moist which increases the growth of Mould. 

Keep the indoor humidity between 30-50% and use moisture or humidity assuage which is available at a hardware store to gauge the humidity.  If the humidity is less, you can use a vaporizer or humidifier to increase it.  On the other hand, if the humidity is high, open the windows if the weather is not humid.  If it is hot, turn on the air conditioner or adjust the settings on the humidifier. 

At SMSLA global, we rely on an end-to-end approach for complete ambient and indoor air quality monitroing. We use the latest technology to analyze high-end chemical, microbiological, physical, and instrumental parameters in state-of-the-art facilities.  We are proactive in ensuring that our services are high quality, adhere to safety standards, and protect the environment. 

Our testing services include air quality monitoring, process and workplace analysis, indoor air quality, noise monitoring, industrial hygiene with risk assessment, pesticides and nicotine in ambient air quality, occupational dangers and hygiene study, stack emission monitoring plus its analysis, dioxin and furan in AAQ and source emission and heavy metals sampling in AAQ and source emission.            

Environment testing labs are utilized by businesses to obtain objective analytical data on the quality of its product or processes. Some companies use the services of these labs for product certification which can be a marketing tool while others use it to test the water and soil quality before finalizing a land or facility purchase.  Whatever be the reason, the services these laboratories offer are of great help to businesses in a variety of industry sectors. 

There are  many  reasons why businesses choose independent  labs for testing, 

  1. Objectivity:  Tested by an independent environmental testing lab is to provide assurance that the test results are objective and not altered due to the influence or guidance of interested parties.  Independent labs exist mainly to provide objective analytical data on the quality of a particular product or process.  These labs document the internal processes they follow to ensure objectivity and accuracy.    

  1. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Finance plays a key role in the decision-making of a firm while choosing an outside lab for testing. Small businesses will likely have a lot of things they would like to spend on like procuring new equipment,  advertising and workforce or facility expansion. These businesses would be better off financially if they secured the services of our environmental testing labs in Bangalore rather than setting up internal testing facilities. Many businesses that establish internal testing facilities do so without taking into consideration the additional costs associated with it like top-level management salaries and benefits, professional services like legal or accounting, depreciation and interest expense.   

  1. SAFETY: Companies that manufacture hazardous materials prefer to utilize the services of an independent lab to minimize the danger of in-house exposure to potentially hazardous agents. 

  1. FORMULATION OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: One of the main functions of environmental testing labs in India is to formulate detailed technical specifications of the various advanced instruments which help in analyzing trace metals like mercy, total organic carbon, organic halides and the equipment needed for these instruments.    

Environment testing labs are responsible for the improvement in the health of individuals, wildlife and the environment. By providing technical data and analysis, they provide a solution on the steps to be taken to preserve the well-being of the area.   

SMSLA’s testing labs are accredited by national as well as international bodies.  While performing indoor air quality inspection, we use highly sophisticated and sensitive instruments like LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS by which we are able to identify and quantify trace levels of many organic and inorganic pollutants. We have the technical expertise, knowledge, and infrastructure to cater to the different regulatory requirements.  All our laboratories have a good track record in proficiently testing for micro-level residual analysis according to global standards.  

Our experts test for Ambient Air monitoring , work zone pollution , fugitive emissions, point and non point emissions, Sound level and Particle size distribution, volatiles and semi volatiles in air , heavy metals in air, all the regulatory specified quality parameters for water and waste water. Also we do leachability studies of solid wastes   

We have our environmental testing labs in Chennai which are solely focused on residual analysis for pesticides, antibodies and metabolites. 

When it comes to food, we all want to ensure that consumers get the best quality products.  From size, shape, color, and consistency to the taste of the product, farmers are always looking to grow the best crops and producers want to produce top-quality products. 

With that comes the responsibility of managing both the safety and quality of fresh food products.  The majority of the world's food is grown on farms.  That is why it is pesticides are needed to protect the crops from damage and prevent crop losses due to diseases. 

While pesticides are necessary to ensure the safety of food, it is equally important to take care that they are free from pesticide residues.  Here is where pesticide testing labs come into the picture. 

Pesticide Residue Detection Methods 

  1. Folded Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry 

GC/MS is the most commonly used method for pesticide residue analysis.  For higher sensitivity and accuracy, ion mode is used to confirm the target substance based on the retention time, ion characteristics and ion ratio relationships.      

  1. Tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS-MS) 

LC-MS/MS is a method identical to GC-MS but it uses a tandem mass spectrometer which makes it possible to select specific analytes for individual fragmentation which allows for more complex mixtures to be analyzed easily. 

This method uses a beam of electrons to ionize analytes but the instrument can also ionize an intermediate gas which ionizes the analyte in secondary reactions.  This method minimizes the decomposition of analytes during the ionization stage and allows for more sensitive fragmentation during the MS/MS stages. 

What Are Pesticide Labs? 

Pesticide residue testing laboratory analyzes food products to ascertain the presence of harmful residues from foreign substances.  The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) defines it and the Food and Drug Administration(EDA) enforces it. 

These labs evaluate and perform in-depth analyses to ensure that the food products that are being sent out  meet the Maximum residue limits set by the EPA for safe consumption  

The tolerances set by the various national and International authorities like FSSAI , APEDA . AGMARK BIS and EU  are the standards for the acceptable level of pesticides that can remain in or on a product. Pesticides are defined as  “many kinds of ingredients used in products such as insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, insect repellants, weed killers, antimicrobials and swimming pool chemicals that are designed to prevent, destroy, repel or reduce pests of any sort” 

SMSLA labs are accredited by various national and international bodies including NABL use sophisticated and high sensitive equipment such as LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS to identify and quantify trace amounts of multiple pesticide residues in a single run. 

We have the technical expertise, knowledge and infrastructure to cater to  the various regulations.  Moreover, we have a huge catalogue of pesticide standards to identify even minute levels of pesticides in all types of products.  We have an excellent track record of using globally  accepted test methods which gives us  as well as our customers confidence in our test methods and results  Through process optimization and by using the latest instruments, we ensure a quick turnaround time and accurate results without compromising the quality of the test results. 

Ever wondered why your quality analysis team requires multiple environments like development, test and production? How much money did you invest in setting up the test environment? What is the ROI of the test environment? It is possible to answer these questions by deciding whether you allowed users to be down during business hours because a change did not work out as it should have.  Downtime can affect the cost of your business massively which can be avoided if money is invested in environmental testing labs in India.   

Advantages Of Quick Environment Testing And Results  

  1. Helps You Evaluate How Your Product Will Perform Under Certain Environmental Conditions  

Environmental testing helps you evaluate the behavior of your products under different environmental conditions either to optimize their design or to fulfill market requirements and regulations. 

Changes in temperature, humidity or the passage of time can damage delicate packaging materials or the products within them.  Eventually, the reliability, performance and structural integrity of the product will be affected.   Environment testing helps you evaluate how your products will perform under certain environmental conditions and  design products that can withstand them and helps you avoid cost overruns because of shrinkage, complaints or product returns.  

  1. Ensures You Comply With Standards.   

Many industries require suppliers to comply with certain regulatory standards to demonstrate that their products are suitable for the global market.  EHS standards often include the performance of environmental preconditioning testing. 

  1.   Reduces The Chances Of Claims Or Complaints.   

By working closely with environmental testing labs in Bangalore, companies can demonstrate during a claim  that they have done everything they can to guarantee the safety of their products.  

  1. Gives You An Edge Over Your Competition  

Performing environmental tests gives you an edge over your competition as it strengthens the trust in your company and the products it manufactures. 

  1.   Helps In Validating And Improving Designs  

With the help of simulations, environmental testing allows companies to detect problems in the design of the product and its packaging.  As a result, companies can access information related to the protective ability of the system and can foresee and correct any errors.   

  1.    Helps You Reduce Costs  

Claims, shrinkage and non-fulfilment of warranties can incur huge costs for companies.  The implementation of testing methods is an investment in foreseeing and avoiding losses that result from inadequate protection from environmental hazards.   

Our environmental testing labs in Chennai help companies evaluate their AAQ, indoor air quality, stack emissions, water and wastewater, EIA, EMP and highly specific environmental projects like air and noise modeling.   

We also analyze point and non-source emissions, indoor air quality testing including volatiles and semivolatile, water balance, green belt development, landscaping studies, traffic density studies and water studies.    

We have our laboratories in Asia and Europe.  They are accredited by national and international boards and are well known for their integrity, infrastructure and high-precision results.   

In the agricultural industry, pesticides are utilized to increase the production of agricultural products and their yield by eliminating the damage-causing harmful bugs, fungi, and weeds. What pesticides testing laboratory does? It determines the concentration of pesticide residue present in the crop attained after the harvest. These testing laboratories also determine whether the pesticide residue levels are below the respective regulatory limits or are compliant with the regulators.   

What is the role of the pesticide residue testing laboratory? 

Pesticide residue testing is a laboratory-based examination process that helps identify the pesticide residue levels in a diverse range of food products. At laboratories, an in-depth chemical and microbiological analysis are conducted in order to measure the pesticide residue levels in all types of food products.  

According to the existing regulatory structure, it is essential for food producers, manufacturers, and suppliers to acquire in-depth pesticide residue testing reports prior to shipping their products to the end consumer. The pesticides testing laboratory not only help secure consumer from potentially harmful health consequence caused by chemicals but also provide confidence to food manufacturers and producers regarding their product ingredients.  

Methods of pesticide residue testing: 

It is difficult to conduct pesticide residue analysis with just one technique because there are different kinds of pesticides used during the agricultural process. Moreover, pesticides are further bifurcated into diverse sub-categories and groups based on their chemical compositions. Highly sophisticated  analytical methods are employed for pesticide residue testing laboratory to accurately measure the concentration of pesticides. According to the authorized and verified pesticides testing laboratory,  gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry are the two most commonly used techniques for measuring the concentration of pesticides in agricultural samples in bulk. Another scientific method used to detect pesticides is direct analysis in real-time DART, which is usually required by the regulatory agencies.  


There are numerous benefits, which  food product manufacturers can attain from a pesticide residue testing laboratory. With pesticide residue analysis and testing, food suppliers can minimize the quality and safety issues associated with their products. Testing laboratories such as SMSLA help companies shorten their time to market, thanks to the sophisticated pesticide residue analysis and testing infrastructure including in-depth knowledge of regulations. The best part is that the pesticides testing laboratory services parallelly work with the entire product development lifecycle to ensure compliance with domestic and international regulations and standards.  

SMSLA global has the specific technical expertise and necessary infrastructural pesticide residue testing laboratory required to meet various regulatory standards across all domains. We cater to a wide range of industries and companies all over the world. At our laboratories, we have a large library of pesticide standards which are required to identify trace levels of pesticides in all types of products.  

Our pesticide residue analysis and testing processes help detect a wide range of pesticides like fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, molluscicides, and rodenticides present in the products. At our facilities, to meet the regulatory standards, pesticide residue testing are conducted across a wide range of food categories such as Animal food, beverages, cereals, coconut, edible oils, herbs, infant foods, nuts, and natural waxes, including residues in water.   

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